How to Place your Website on the First Page of Google Results

Seo tips

White label SEO can be amazingly effective. But be careful who you hire to outsource your SEO. Not all SEO reseller companies are pure of intent. Search engine optimization is not always helpful; some internet marketing companies are dirty. They will proceed to market your company in dishonest and annoying, spam inspired ways. Online marketing and SEO has two major divisions: white label SEO and black label SEO. White label SEO is the commonly used tactic which has been proven to work when promoting sites and brands of high quality. Black label is a risky endeavor which does not earn you honest promotion and often does more harm for your company than good. The methods of black label often end up with your website being blacklisted from search engines.

White label SEO works to raise your organic link up the list of search engine results. Statistically speaking, 70 percent of internet searchers click only on links which are organic and 80 percent of internet users say they never click on paid links. Paid links are not recommended because of this reason. Black label SEO can get your website banished from sites such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and Ask, and if that happens, you can kiss your publicity and brand reputation goodbye. White label seo increases the organic ranking of a website so its overall quality and content visibility can be improved.

The goal is to move your website close to the first spot on the search engine results page, since three quarters of searchers dont bother to look past that first page. White label SEO is such a crucial aspect of internet marketing, especially since it is estimated that in 2012, 88.1 percent of internet users aged 14 plus will have browsed or researched their products online. Do not miss out on 88.1 percent of the market!


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