If you have been marketing yourself as an SEO reseller, but you have found that you are severely lacking in clients who own brick and mortar stores, you should consider expanding your services to include local SEO as well. The purpose of local SEO is to accomplish the same goals as any other optimization program does, more traffic and more revenue. The big difference is that local SEO resellers are able to push forward with specialized SEO techniques that work in places other than a client’s website or blog.
When you are able to start reselling local SEO, you will find that the plans you advertise will be used to work with completely different areas of the internet. Instead of focusing on a client’s home base online, local SEO is used in directories for business and directional advice. By using local map seo, you will be able to make a huge difference for your brick and mortar clients because of the type of traffic that they will get based on such efforts. This increase in traffic is what will turn into the sales that they need to compete with online companies and your ability to resell local seo can give that to them.
When someone decides that they need a particular product or service, they will often go into a directory so that they can perform a local search. When you can use specialized SEO techniques to optimize the profiles of your clients in such directories, it will help them to show up in the top results, just as they would in major search engines. By proxy, if your clients have their profiles seen more often, they will start to get more traffic.
Over time, local optimization services will build up rankings for your clients and as these rankings increase, so will their visibility. Even for clients that do not have a website, they can count on these optimization services to help their profiles show up at the top of localized searches. This way, they can reap all of the benefits that ecommerce companies do from search engine optimization.
Utilizing local optimization techniques can help you to claim a big piece of the market for yourself. If you are able to work with certain clients, they will ultimately come to trust you. With customer loyalty will come more business and a lot of growth for your own company.